EURONCAP Scenarios

EURONCAP Scenarios

In this work we recorded eight different test scenarios, three of which are inspired in the EURONCAP test protocols. For each test scenario on the real proving ground there is a digital twin with two types of camera (Direct Data Injection and Over-the-Air), IMU data, ground-truth of objects and radar data recorded in a HiL environment using the same hardware as the real test:

  • Car-to-Bicyclist Longitudinal Adult 50% (CBLA-50):
  • Car-to-Car Rear Braking (CCRb):
  • Car-to-Car Rear Stationary (CCRs):

Others Scenarios:

With the ego-vehicle static was recorded four types of objects: car, cyclist, truck and pedestrian. The recordings were made with the objects initially positioned in front of the ego-vehicle and then moving away. For the bicyclist, pedestrian and truck was utilized the GNSS SP80 sensor in order to get the ground-truth position.

  • Car:
  • Bike:
  • Pedestrian:
  • Truck:
  • Truck Perpendicular: